Seal online is MMORPG based on cartoon style by Ynk
Seal Online is a massive multi-player online role-playing
experience set in an Anime-Fantasy universe enabling players
to interact with each other from all over the world. Forge friendships
and bonds as you develop skills, adventure in epic battles and
compete with enemies for justice!
Seal online have Uniqe Feature Like

3D game world
Visit the world of the cartoon seal Online that was full of the colour.
Increased with the character and the background 3D that was cute.
Your playing experience became not forgotten.

Thousand Quest "Time Travel"
In your adventure in the Shiltz world
(the name of the world seal), you will be given by
various mission sorts to maintain world peacefulness,
where occasionally you must cross
the past and the future.

Chatting & Community
Game Online will not be complete to be not
supported with system chatting and the good community.
In seal Online, we provided various
facilities from chatting personal, chatting the public,
in fact to special topics like Sports, the comic,
anime, etc..Guaranteed the
list of your friend will increase long.

We understood the meaning from the love
and eternal loyalty, especially for them
who had the couple.For the player who was loyal
with his girlfriend, we give a present
to the function was especially appropriate
old their loyalty in Seal Online.

Combo skill
bored in game just use skill in ‘mouse’. in SEAL Online player
can use combo skill button ‘A’, ‘S’, and ‘D’ in ‘Keyboard’.
With controlled system kombo, the player can kill the monster that was stronger than him.
if you want to test combo skil try this game
Mini Flash Game

Pet & Guardian
You the lover of the animal?
In Seal Online we provided the kept animal/PET-in the style of-SEAL. where Pet this not only as the decoration, but also could increase your capacity in undergoing the adventure.
And after big, Pet will change to Guardian that was strong that could be driven by you to go adventure.
Example start Pet

After overcoming Bale (The Monster) and undertook the mission,you could relax by fishing at the edge of the river, moreover
the thing that was obtained by you from fishing also very useful
The Jobs
in seal online there is 6 Jobs you can chose and the first job is beginer
My Review:
Good Feature example: when you have girlfriend or boyfriend in this game you can sit together in one chair lolz and the characther in seal online very2 colorfull so the game itself not bored and in the game you can quest, lvling, or just make friend or chat with other ppl
Ok in in the end of review i alwasy
got the cheat that works for the game i review here is article for the Seal Online Cheat
Later circulated rumours that nyit2 has been again
unproductive in fact not unproductive but we were
still think about and trying to make the abstract of a logic
that happened in one games because if in release then the
available community will be destroyed in fact many that
the pension apologised if uptil now we
Mod and very senior here kept the meeting This
Early said in fact this the Abstract of this Logic not want to
in spread to public and like several nyit2er knew
several last months mods and some senior was encompassing
logic to be able to unite available logic to be able
to in utilised maximally.
It was final that him after being successful and in considered
to not dishare and in release on the basis of this
logic very dangerous if falling to the hands public.
But we here want to so that nyit2er that wanted to study the
method game hacking the continuation
not dripped cause problems for to cheat him but once more
more to learn was hoped for could in
understood why we gave his logic in a manner gave very details
Here we will begin anything was needed by us to make a
charachter inside game did the auto leveling.
1.UCE hotkey <--
2.Quick Macro or ACTools
3. snack + cigerate
4.A little logic
Spam skill
1.Open CE
2.Open Seal Online
3.go to seal online and use sleep skill and in uce search 4 <4>
4.after that go to seal online and stand up in uce search 0 <4>
do that again and again until left 1 adress in your uce and add to list
if you want try this spam skill target your monster who want to kill and press your skill until
cursor change to stars in ce freze the value to 3
ID monster your password in ce
2.find this adress
value hidup / mati = value monster died or not
value id monster= add this value to your cheat list
after that your cheat list turn like this
Spam skill pertama tanpa hotkey = Spam skill adress without hotkey
dont need to use hotkey for spam skill
after that copy monster id adress to 2 list
address 1 set in hotkey increase value by 1 and for the hotkey use left arrow
address 2 set in hotkey set to value your starter monster id
you want to kill use hotkey up arrow
example monster value
Value monster :
Chaos Gear........ 2068
Hagariel.......... 2257
RSG............... 1950
Mr.Crab .......... 825
Shark The 3rd .... 5757
Gariel............ 1950
Siren (Gang) ..... 2680
Siren (Rumah) .... 2620
WoodReaper ....... 2576
Dr.Doo ........... 2500
Kingwool ......... 6333
Yopen ............ 6270
Mud Golem ........ 6230
Solaris .......... 6366
Alleu ............ 7012
Gunung Crude 1870 >> 200
set your quickmacro or other macro tools
for the quickmacro target cheat engine and than use this example script
---how manny monster you kill exampe 10 monster so copy this code to 10---
KeyPress 39 1 <-- <39>
Delay 2500 <-- Delay you kill the monster -
finish code
KeyPress 38 1 <-- 38 up arrow for reset the monster id to starter mons id. Delay 2000 KeyPress 97 1 <-- Num 1 for start the macro again.
ok this is the picture for the seting
this is the the picture after you seting all
If you did not want to be cought by other player use maphack
first open your seal folder and in seal folder open map folder
there is like 40 file or 30 file
Depended your seal online version have the reserve folder map
before you continue this method why? if you want to play seal normal overwrite the maphack map
ok, after you have the reserve folder in seal online folder map copy 22.
map to same number file on that folder example 30 file then you copy to 30
copy after that delete all file except and the copy
then rename all copy to the same file map in the reserve folder example
wala your map is all madelin city
Credit goes to:
Van_Tomiko <-- all respect to him Cazh80 >>> for the ID monster Logic
MrEvB >>> researching ID monster Logic
LucuBRB and Kocok Jaya Team >> thanks bypass tools macro
Quick Macro
MoonLight Engine
if the files need password type nyit2
lol tranlsate edition nice
lol cant use this boot in seal online usa, game hack detected need game guard bypas
The scary maze game at
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