==============================================Download Link :
Updated: Version 2.3 - Fixes:
- Offsets Buttons to BR, MYEN, RU and INDONESIA;
- Automatic Change Weapons Settings;
You can edit this code using AutoIt Script v3.x:
You can customize the memory addresses to your country! Default settings is to Brazil.
This relase if default configured to Perfect World (Brazil). If you want to adjust to your country the Perfect World application title, memory base address and memory offsets to find Target, HP, Max HP, Max MP please see read notes for CustomOffSets.ini.
You can try to find the memory addresses using softwares like Cheat Engine (memory searchers).
This versions implement:
- Memory Addresses Customizer (See notes for CustomOffSets.ini)
- Multiple-skills configuration;
- Auto-Rest to Restore HP/MP;
- Auto-Pot for HP/MP;
- Auto-Pick Loot;
- Stop on Die (just stop the bot on death)
- Moblist Set to 10 different Monsters (if you think that you need more, tell me);
- Auto-Buffs;
- Fly to Escape Death Options;
- Potential Received Damage Display Between Hits;
- You can´t use normal attack like your first attack. Use a skill and after normal attack.
Post your question i will try to help you. If you can configure with sucess to your country, post the addresses on forum for another users can configure and for help to new releases.
GM Are VERY Active, use this with much care.
Please Read the Instructions first.
Click Here!
and other bot version :
ZcPwBot1.2 full version
Philippine Server PH
Russian Server RU
Indonesia Server IN
Brazil Server BR
Credits to zevroc for this bot.

if u want your server to have a bot u need to find the FF codes and post them here.
base address =
target offset =
Hp offset =
Mhp offset =
Mp offset =
MMp offset =
PetHp =
PetLoy =
PetMloy =
Download Link :
Click Here!
for the Wallhack perfect world try to modify file map in Perfect World folder
i use this bot but later my id has been banned for 24 hours... :( u have another bot ??
can you teach me how use this bot ?
please send to my email savorus@hotmail.com
my server is indonesia
lol. u guys try to used bot until now? zhen maybe boost you exp. lol. dont have money to play get out my way now. lol
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