Sunday, August 17, 2008

Perfect World Wall Hack

Since no-one seems to be releasing their private wall hacks for PW, I thought I would share mine with the community.


1. Log into Perfect World, and load up and log into a character.

2. Run PWGTv1.5.exe (as Administrator on some systems, Vista especially).

3. Activate the Perfect World window you want to use PWGT with (you have 30 seconds). The window must be named "Element Client" for it to hook, titles like "Element Client blah blah whatever" might work too, but this has not been tested yet.

4. PWGT will beep twice to let you know its got a hook on your client.


NUMPAD 8 - North
NUMPAD 2 - South
NUMPAD 6 - East
NUMPAD 4 - West

ALT + NUMPAD - move double the distance
CTRL + NUMPAD - move triple the distance

F10 - Exits Program


North, South, East, and West will make your character move in those specific directions.

For example, if you are facing South, and you pick North (NUMPAD 8), you will go North (backwards in this case).

Currently only tested to work on PW-MY versions (including private servers using the PW-MY client).

So far no GM detection. Makes sense because Forest Ruin would have been activated again if the GM's could detect this kind of hack.

Be careful with who you use this hack with. I take no responsibility if you get yourself banned using this.

Please someone scan it before using, I have nothing to hide!

I will try fix it up or answer questions if I get the time.

Download Link


Anonymous said...

what is the purpose oh that hack i unable to use that is vista important or even windows xp okey