Can be used by any class. It's very usefull to pull a mob.
How to :
Everything started from searching your char name.
:: FORCE ::
- Use Broad Outlook.
:: Melee ::
- Use Extend Rage
:: Ranger ::
- Use Err........ what's the name of the expert skill that increase the attack range ?? I forgot.
Scroll down and find the byte that changed, and will revert back when the buff is over.
That's for the clue.
If you find it too hard, just use this.
From the first address of your char name, add B6C. That's the address for Force Range. The type is Short (2 bytes). Change it to FF.
Example, if your char name address are at :
02C5ABA8 then adding B6C will result in 02C5B714
Use Windows calculator to help you.
Melee and Ranger Range Address are beside it.
Note :
Unlimited Force range only allow you to cast debuff (and or maybe buff) from Unlimited range, but you can't cast Attack Type Force.
All of the Unlimited Range Cheat can be used to attack with unlimited range vertically (not horizontally) if you use Fly Hack. So if you're a warrior, use this cheat to do a Fly Hack. You can attack normally, not only when using skill. And with this you don't have to adjust your height again. You can attack the mob as long as you can see it.
Credits ... ??? Myself

And don't forget to click THANKS button if you find it usefull.
OK this is for you who use different version of RF or maybe already patched RF which fail with B6C.
- Range Extender buff at lvl GM add 50 range (tested on Broad Outlook and Extend Rage)
- Wide Range buff at lvl GM add 100 range
If you're non-spiritualist, which mean you need the melee / ranger range hack.
:: Don't equip any range extender equipment / buff
:: Scan 0 first.
:: If you have Extend Rage at lvl GM use your buff, then your range will be 50. So scan 50.
:: Wait until your buff dissapear, then scan 0 again.
:: Repeat those step until you find the address.
If you're spiritualist, remember !!! Your armors already increase your range !!!!
:: Remove all of your armor first !!!!!!! And don't equip any range extender equipment !
:: The rest same as above. But use Broad outlook, instead of Extend Rage.
I hope this will make you CLEAR !!!
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